South East Container Terminal
The SAGT is operational since 1999 and is spread over 20ha, served by 940m of berths with alongside depths of 18m. The SAGT is well equipped with reach stackers, forklift handlers, terminal tractors and terminal trailers, gantry cranes including rubber tired gantry cranes and Post Panamax and Super Post Panamax cranes. Total stacking capacity of the terminal is 1,620TEUs. The UCT offers two container berths and one multipurpose berth.

✱ Turning circle - 800m
✱ Basin depth - 18.0m
✱ Depth of access channel - 20m
✱ Width of the Harbour mouth - 570m
✱ Quay Length - 1,200 m
✱ No. of Berths: 3 - 4 berths
✱ Capacity: 2.5 M TEU
✱ Depth: 18m
✱ 12 Super Post-Panamax quayside cranes
✱ 40 RTGs